Despite its enormous growth, the Hörmann Group has always retained its medium-sized character. And this includes first gaining experience itself in order to then be able to provide its customers with the best possible service.

With this in mind, Enex Power Germany also initially carried out its own deep drilling work and research projects in order to gain the "in-depth" experience that is essential for good consulting services.

Based on this, Enex Power Germany offers its experience and skills in project development and implementation of complex, multidisciplinary energy projects.

Enex Power Research LIAG
Enex Power Eavor Loop

Eavor LoopTM Geretsried

Initial talks started right back in 2019. Enex Power Germany was appointed project manager for the world's first “Eavor Loop” project in Geretsried near Munich from the outset and in this role is responsible for the coordination, control, organization and execution of various planning tasks, including the awarding of contracts for above-ground trades for Eavor Erdwärme Geretsried GmbH. The pioneering geothermal concept as an underground heat exchanger with parallel operation of two drilling rigs opens up multiple interface issues and numerous new technical and planning challenges.

"Andreas Gahr provided us with great support with his in-depth knowledge of the details on site. As a converter and mediator between the worlds he and his team were and are an important asset in our project. The Eavor-LoopTM technology, which means that in addition to two deep drilling rigs in simultaneous operation, we also have a power plant and a hot water circuit under construction, and all this on a difficult subsurface, brings us new challenges every day. We very much welcome being able to solve these with Enex Power and Andreas Gahr in particular."
Daniel Moelk, Eavor Erdwärme Geretsried


Enex Power Geothermie Vaterstetten


On the basis of the existing preliminary geological plans, an economic feasibility study was first carried out to determine whether the geothermal borehole could be operated economically with the planned expansion of the heating network - also against the background of the heat prices to be represented to the end customers. The next step was to prepare the feasibility study for the BEW funding program and the transformation plan for the existing district heating network in the municipality of Vaterstetten. Based on this calculation, four municipalities founded their own geothermal energy production company, GeoEnergieMünchenOst GmbH.

"Fortunately, our project gained significant momentum with the preparation of the profitability calculation. Based on Enex Power's project experience, comprehensible input parameters were defined that could be explained to all parties involved. The sensitivities were also used to show and explain to each local council the effects of a reduced discovery or increased drilling costs or, in particular, higher own consumption costs. Enex Power prepared the feasibility study for the application for Module 2 and the transformation plan for the Vaterstetten district heating network in a perfect manner. Hence it was a logic consequence that we have now commissioned Enex Power for the statement on the preliminary EIA assessment; and here, too, we received approval from the Bergamt Südbayern shortly after submission."
Tobias Aschwer, climate protection manager for the municipality of Vaterstetten



Enex Power supported the Naturwärme Kirchweidach-Halsbach project company from the very early stages of obtaining geological reports and detailed drilling planning. The next step was to draft the various permit applications, including the exploration permit and ecological audits, through to the main and special operating plans. The preliminary planning phase led to the technical and economic feasibility study, which also served as the basis for state funding (Bundesförderung für effiziente Wärmenetze BEW).
Along with drill site planning and support for the associated construction tendering process, Enex Power also participated in the awarding procedures for the drilling contractor and provided support in drafting the drilling contract. Enex Power supervised the entire drilling phase of the first well plus side track in the role of project manager.

“In the 'Waldweihnacht' project, we managed to go from exploration permit to main operating plan and production approval to the start of drilling site construction in just one year. All these preliminary stages were achieved by Enex Power. During the drilling work, Enex Power moderated and managed the entire process of consideration between geologists, external drilling consultants, the drilling contractor and us as the client. Although this model of project management during the deep drilling work is not always common, this down-to-earth moderation between the trades by project managers who are not primarily geologists or drilling engineers has proved its worth. It speaks for the quality of Enex Power to keep calm even in difficult situations and to break the facts down to the essentials in a way that is factual and understandable for all parties involved. This facilitated the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the various options for all parties involved in order to arrive at a clear decision. When we wanted to make a second attempt with a completely new team after the failure, Enex Power provided all the information and documents required for the reassessment of the geology, which was very conducive to a loss-free transfer of knowledge. Even though we terminated the contractual relationship after the initial failure, we are still more than satisfied with the services provided by Enex Power.”
Hans Wimmer, Contract Manager of Naturwärme Kirchweidach-Halsbach GmbH & Co. KG