We develop base load-capable energy
The renewable energy sector has developed - not only in Germany - into a significant economic factor with good prospects for decades to come. The portfolio of Enex Power Germany focuses on making base load-capable energy sources available and has been supporting highly demanding projects with specific know-how and in-depth expertise for almost 20 years in order to successfully realize all those projects that require this in-depth experience.
We plan your drilling site
- Integration of infrastructural interfaces (electricity, water, wastewater, telecommunications)
- Compliance with regulations and legal requirements regarding the design of internal and external drilling site areas, drainage, explosion and lightning protection
- Consideration of various rig types of from different manufacturers when designing the drilling site
- Redesign of the area after completion of drilling (dewatering during the operating phase, partial dismantling, recommendations for reusable materials)
- Design and implementation planning
- Preparation of specifications and assistance with award procedures
- Integration of above-ground thermal water pipelines into drilling site planning
- Consideration of heat transfer stations for connection to district heating networks
- Integration of storage and container space
- Integration of test water basins
Project management and support through all phases
- Support from geological exploration to drill path planning
- Drafting of mining permit applications (from exploration permits to preliminary EIA assessments and main operating plans to project-relevant special operating plans, from water law permit applications (e.g. dewatering, integration of standpipes, dewatering, other)
- Support with contract awards, including the awarding of drilling services
- Project management support during deep drilling activities
Transparent communication is the key to success
The aim is to structure the interfaces between the parties involved in such a way that information, data and resources can flow efficiently and effectively. This enables coordinated collaboration, which leads to an increase in productivity and an improvement in project processes.
We know, live and establish the interface management between project owners and investors, between technology and the financial world, between the relevant trades and authorities and, of course, also between the people involved.
Economy pays off
- Calculation of profitability with sensitivity analysis (variation of well capacities, temperatures, production costs, etc.) including scheduling
- Planning of the above-ground facilities in cooperation with our long-standing and highly experienced partners including drafting of permits in accordance with building law and BImSchG
- Development of feasibility studies
- Advice and support for funding applications
- Project management for the investor
- Review of profitability models
- Due diligence
- Assessment of project, environmental and schedule risks
- Recommendations for risk minimization
The Sky is the Limit
You have a good idea in the field of renewable energies and/or sustainable products or services and are looking for partners to realize it? We check and evaluate your idea with the help of the Hörmann Group's expertise and, if it is marketable, we will accompany you from the product idea to prototype planning and production through to the planning of series production.