The story of success: From one-man business to global player

Hans Hörmann, born in 1928, laid the foundation stone for his company in 1955, which today has around 3000 employees in 13 countries worldwide.

Lightning protection systems, sirens to warn the public about different hazards, environmental measurement systems, railroad and mobile communication, innovative intralogistic systems, components for commercial vehicles and agricultural machinery and a couple of other topics: The Hörmann Group's manifold fields of activity require extensive and comprehensive know-how.

Hörmann Group - successful since 1955
Andreas Gahr Enex Power

Andreas Gahr
Banking professional and business economist with a focus on innovation and technology management, financing, human resources and organization.

Andreas Gahr worked as a project manager for sustainable power plants (wind farms, but also combined heat and power plants) and raised finance for new projects in Germany and abroad during his first years in the industry, when the EEG was still called the Electricity Feed-In Act.
In 2003/2004, he obtained several exploration permits for deep geothermal energy projects for his then employer. In this context, Andreas Gahr accompanied the geothermal projects in Duerrnhaar and Kirchstockach throughout the entire implementation period from the idea to full completion of drilling and commissioning of the ORC power generation system.
He has been working for Enex Power since 2010. Due to his long experience with deep geothermal energy ("long" also means that he has experienced geothermal energy projects over their full length of several years), he is a sought-after contact when it comes to project management services. The span goes from feasibility studies, approval issues, support for exploration activities (planning, support, award procedures including tendering and award of drilling services), preparation of profitability calculations for deep geothermal energy projects.

Knowing how the wind blows: Experts for your project

Since the 1970s, the Hörmann Group has been involved in the use of non-fossil energy sources, especially for projects in areas without access to a functioning power grid. Since 2001, some of the subsidiaries have been working specifically in the areas of photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, biogas and, in particular, deep geothermal energy.

In the field of deep geothermal energy with the topics of economic efficiency, geology, drilling technology, power generation and district heat extraction, Enex Power Germany has been the subsidiary that focused on consulting and project management services in this highly complex specialist area from a very early stage since 2006.

Enex Power Geothermal energy

Customized benefits

What we offer:

Interface management between the parties involved in project implementation, such as geologists, drilling technicians, surface plant planners and also the parties involved in project financing, such as investors, funding agencies or lenders. Stakeholder management is particularly important in deep geothermal energy with its many facets.

Our experience and expertise in the course of a deep geothermal project, from preliminary exploration to drill site and borehole planning to above-ground plant planning and approval issues, including the awarding of contracts for the various trades and their execution.

We accompany you through all the ups and downs that await the project participants during a multi-year geothermal project.

Enex Power Geothermal energy